I felt like Santa swooping into the workshop gathering up treasures to give away. Thanks to Monica Bosiljevac from Football for the World, right here in Omaha, Nebraska. All of this soccer gear will be distributed in Sierra Leone and Liberia when we travel there! One of my favorite stories is how Soccer saved Samuel […]
Katja and TTN in the News!
Pastor Samuel Visit
We are thrilled with how many people connected with Samuel Menyongar when he was in Omaha last week. Thank you! It was fun to hear new stories and updates in person. On special occasions, Mariama, Samuel’s wife, will lead the children from Bonnie Memorial Children’s Home down the mountain to spend time at the beach. […]
Kelsey gives on her 16th birthday
Kelsey Musgjerd, a former student from Alice Buffett Magnet Middle School, recruited friends and family to donate to Touch the Nations in lieu of receiving gifts on her 16th birthday. Her generosity reached both Ethiopia and Sierra Leone. Pictured here is a scholarship recipient expressing her thanks. “Be the change you want to see in […]
Be the Change You Want to See in the World
You’re never too young! Jack, Justin and Ella Holdcroft (with their parents) volunteered to send out over 900 brochures for Touch the Nations. Your ‘behind the scenes’ work will impact lives across the world. Thank you!
Volunteer Priya Kukreja wins BBB Award
Priya Kukreja, was awarded the BBB Student Service Excellence Award for exemplifying personal integrity, leadership, and community service. The Better Business Bureau and Omaha Rotary Club presented $200 to Touch The Nations on her behalf. Priya has volunteered for Touch the Nations for the past 2 years. She is a former student of Katja […]
Racing for Africa – Jennifer Hamilton
“On May 31st I ran in the BolderBoulder 10K… The BolderBoulder is one of the premier 10K road races in the world, with nearly 50,000 runners participating! It is a fun and exciting race through the picturesque streets of Boulder, CO. As you run the 6.2 miles there are bands and dancers and gymnasts performing, […]
World Peace Day at Alice Buffet School
Katja and others had a great time telling others about Touch the Nations at Alice Buffet School’s World Peace day. Much interest was shown and many people signed up for the newsletter.
Letters from Students: “What Makes a Hero?”
Several middle school students have written letters about Katja Starkey and Touch the Nations. Here is the text of one; we have attached several others: “What makes a hero? Courage? Bravery? I say spirit. For it is the selfless ones who think of others before themselves. The heroes that have fine qualities like loyalty, fairness, […]
Ethiopia: Same Mission, New Country
Touch the Nations is now extending support to vulnerable people in Ethiopia. Monthly support of $40 can be directed to: A Widows & Orphans Home An Ethiopian Guardian Family who will take in orphaned children A Single Parent Family on the verge of collapse due to loss of parent, disease, poverty