Here is a list of the children who are living at the Newton Orphanage, and a little of their history. Many of the parents were killed or maimed during the war – please consider sponsoring. 1. ALPHA : 9 years of age, no one to look after him. Father and Mother died in the war. […]
Racing for Africa – Jennifer Hamilton
“On May 31st I ran in the BolderBoulder 10K… The BolderBoulder is one of the premier 10K road races in the world, with nearly 50,000 runners participating! It is a fun and exciting race through the picturesque streets of Boulder, CO. As you run the 6.2 miles there are bands and dancers and gymnasts performing, […]
Ethiopia Update
Monthly support is being sent to a remote widows and orphans home 10 hours outside the capital city of Addis Ababa. Roads and hospitals are hard to come by in this area. Our support is touching precious lives, both young and old.
Rebel leader convicted
This note and story were forwarded from a friend: “this gives victims some sense of closure as others like you continue to reach out and assist them with rebuilding their lives.” Amputees in Sierra Leone rejoice at Taylor sentencing
Kono water well has been completed
Here is a recent picture of the completed water well in Kono.
Meet the Boys Part 7
Tyler: An orphan from both parents, he is almost 12 years old. He was recommended by a single mother who has taken him from the street a few days before. The woman asked me to let Tyler visit her sometimes because he has become a friend to her son, and I agreed. Three weeks ago, […]